About us


Our day at Mayals Primary School

The school operates a Breakfast Club and this opens at 7.50am. If children are attending all must arrive by 8.20 am. This is a facility funded by the Welsh Assembly and aims to provide children with a healthy breakfast.

Our School hours are as follows:

Part-Time Nursery

Morning Session

8.50 am to 11.45 pm

Afternoon Session

12.50 to 3.20 pm

Our Playgroup  operates during the afternoon for parents with children who attend Morning Nursery.  The cost is £9 per session.

Full-Time Pupils

Foundation Phase – morning session 8.50 am – 11.45am
Foundation Phase – afternoon session 12.50pm – 3.20 pm
Key Stage 2 – morning session 8.50 am – 12 noon
Key Stage 2 – afternoon session 12.50 pm – 3.20 pm

The hours spent on teaching during the normal week including Religious Education, but excluding the statutory daily act of worship, registration and break hours are 21 hours 40 minutes in Foundation Phase and 23 hours 30 minutes in Key Stage 2.

We ask parents to bring children to school punctually.  If children are absent from school parents are requested to inform the school via message or telephone.  The school maintains an absence register.

Parents are reminded that permission to take holidays during the academic school year needs to be obtained from the Headteacher.

We work closely with the school’s Education Welfare Officer who will assist parents who are having difficulty with their children’s attendance.  We are very keen to support any parents who are having difficulty collecting or bringing their child to school.  Please contact the Headteacher who will be happy to offer advice and support.

End of the Day

We request that parents wait for their children in the school yard.  Younger children will be brought to the outer doors by the teachers.  You will be asked to complete a contact form outlining people who might collect your children.  Staff adhere strictly to this list.  Please help us by ensuring it is up-to-date at all times.