End of Summer Term!

Today has been our last day of summer term, We hope you have a wonderful and safe summer holiday and look forward to seeing you in September. To our year 6 leavers, All the best in comprehensive and we do hope you’ll pop in to let us know how you’re getting on!
Here’s a photo of our annual Year 6 VS Teachers Rounders match which is happening right now!
p.s Mr Beech just hit a home run..!

Fundraising for the National Autistic Society- Mr Evans (Ariana’s Father)

Christopher Evans (Ariana’s dad) will attempt to walk the Wales coastal path from Chepstow to St. David’s to raise awareness of and funds for the National Autistic Society and the Swansea Special Needs Chinese Parents Support Group.
Read the full story below.
Click on the link below if you would like to make a donation. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chris-evans55

Good luck Mr Evans!